A Year of Success and Power

I know there’s already been a lot of content regarding predictions on whether Kamala Harris will be our next President, but “the Google” was kind enough to let me know that my original post on her natal and 2020 solar interpretation was popular last month, so I thought I would highlight a few aspects in her 2023 Solar Return that shows her elevated profile this past year.  

For those that may be newer to astrology, a Solar Return is a timing technique that calculates a chart for the date, time, and location when your Sun returns to the exact same position as when you were born (same degree and minute). This is typically on or within a day or so of your actual birthday. When you compare this chart to your Natal chart, it shows which planets and houses become activated for that particular year. To be clear, that’s birthday to birthday year, not calendar year. An experienced Astrologer can then use it, sometimes along with other techniques such as progressions and transits, to make predictions about possible events and themes that can arise during that period.

To set up this Solar Return chart, I needed to do a little digging through social media and news reports in a way that made my little Scorpio Sun & Moon sing. After the better part of an afternoon, I was able to ascertain with about a 95% probability that she spent her birthday in Washington, D.C.  

Only 95%, you say? Well, I could track her in D.C. early in the week, but she didn’t make any in-person appearances for the day or two around her birthday. However, her husband spoke in two Washington, D.C. locations the day before and the day of her birthday. And as I said to my teacher, I’d be pissed if my husband didn’t spend my birthday with me.  

When you set up her Solar Return for 2023 for Washington, D.C., you immediately see that strong Sun/Mercury conjunction sitting on her Libra ascendant for the year. This would typically indicate attention, strengthened will and volition, important honors, etc. A safe statement would be this is a year she’s receiving recognition or attention for her actions. It’s as if the light is literally shining on her for the year. But let’s take a closer look, especially at that Sun, to pull out more. I’ve provided a clean copy of the Solar Return chart as well below. (Figure 1)

  • First that Solar Sun/Solar ASC conjunction is razor sharp at only 08’ away indicating intensity. (Figure 2)

  • The Sun is coming from her Solar 10th house of honors and undertakings, a configuration that can indicate your destiny literally coming down to you in some way. (Figure 2)

  • The Sun is disposed by Venus in fall in Mercury in her 11th house, not always beneficial, but made much better by a mutual reception with the Mercury in Libra conjunct the Sun. And let’s not forget that as a Gemini rising in her Natal chart, she IS Mercury, so to be conjunct the Sun so exactly, it’s a testament to recognition, achievement, and honors. (Figure 2)

  • The Sun receives a powerful, razor-sharp approaching square from Pluto in Capricorn that’s only 07’ apart. This adds POWER, and in an earth sign in the 4th house, can indicate the country. Or, alternatively, being rooted in power. (Figure 3)

  • In fact, she has a Grand Trine in earth signs that includes the two Benefics, also in an aspect that’s within a 1° orb. This Grand Trine includes 5 of the 10 planets: Moon/Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus/Jupiter in Taurus, and Venus in Virgo, and they’re falling her 4th, 7th, and 11th houses, representing the country, the public, and society/institutions. A Grand Trine in earth is all about a flow of energy in the material world. (Figure 3)

  • Mars in Scorpio in her Solar 1st house is from her Solar 2nd and Solar 7th when you take Mars as the traditional ruler of Scorpio and as ruler of Aries, the sign on the cusp of her Solar 7th house. Here we see a money-making personality for the year and the public coming to her. (Figure 4)

  • This Mars is sextile Venus, in a square to her Solar MC, opposite her Solar Jupiter and trine her Solar Saturn. This configuration shows tension and action, with the big payoff thanks to the good aspect between the Benefics above the horizon in her chart. (Figure 4)

Figure 1: Clean version of Kamala Harris 2023 Solar Return

Figure 2: Strength of the Sun in Kamala Harris’s 2023 Solar Return

Figure 3: Pluto square and Grand Trine in earth signs showing power and good fortune for the year Kamala Harris 2023 Solar Return

Figure 4: Importance of Mars in the Solar 1st house Kamala Harris 2023 Solar Return

When we look at the two charts together, we see her Natal Ascendant being expressed through the Solar 9th house, which often represents government and the law as well as our personal philosophy. Notice how sharp that house cusp alignment is! This puts the axis of communication and understanding across her 1/7 axis suggesting she’s communicating her vision of government to the public. (Figure 8)

  • That Solar Sun/Mercury conjunction falls in her 5th, which if we derivate, would be the 11th of the 7th, or the hopes and wishes of the public, and is in a beautiful trine to her Natal Ascendant. (Figure 8)

  • The tightest aspect to her Natal Ascendant is from the Solar Neptune in her Natal 10th, which if you notice has Pisces on the MC. So. The ruler of the 10th returns to the 10th for the year, expressed through her Solar 5th. I would interpret this as a repetition of sharing a vision for the country that appeals to the public’s hopes and wishes. (Figure 9)

  • Her Natal MC is expressed through her Solar 4th with the Solar Saturn in Pisces conjunct her Natal MC. Again, we get the idea of her destiny for the year connected to the country, with Saturn perhaps showing both weariness of the country and her ability to bring structure to dreams. We could also call out that Saturn is the ruler by exaltation of her Libra Sun, tripling the significations of honors and dignities. (Figure 10)

  • I’m also going to throw that Solar Pluto in her Solar 3rd and Natal 8th house, showing the immense power plays happening behind the scenes. (Figure 10)

That’s just a few of the major significations for her for this past year. Since she could be campaigning literally anywhere in the country around her birthday, I’ll have to revisit this again to calculate the Solar & Lunar returns around October 20, 2024, but in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy envisioning her as Madam President for as long as I can. I would say, however, if she is in Washington D.C. for both both, things look good for her.

Figure 5: Clean Biwheel Kamala Harris Natal (inner) and Solar 2023 (outer) Charts

Figure 6: Natal ASC in Solar 9th house and Solar ASC/Sun/Mercury trine to Natal Ascendant

Figure 7: Solar Neptune in Solar 10th square Natal ASC

Figure 8: Solar Saturn conjunct Natal 10th/MC and Solar Pluto in Natal 8th/Solar 3rd