So, hello. It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, and my strong Saturn is feeling guilty. I wish I could say the delay was for some big reason, but it was really just life. Even with Covid restrictions, the pace picked up in the late summer as the kids resumed some of their activities and prepared to go back to school. There was even a week of socially distant overnight camp for one daughter and two outdoor dance competitions where she won first place. (Shout out to all the dance moms making it happen!)
But onward and upward, right? This entry: Kamala Harris. My Solar Return falls during election week every year and this year, I finally got what I really wanted: A Biden/Harris win. It’s finally starting to calm down here in the U.S., but I can’t wait for that whiny orange baby to vacate the White House in January and hopefully spend many years in jail with the rest of his criminal family. Let’s just hope he doesn’t completely blow everything up before he goes. Lord knows he’s trying!
I’m sure astrologers far superior to me were comfortable making predictions, but I definitely spent the last few months figuratively covering my eyes and peeking through my fingers. It was like a slow-motion train wreck watching the debates, rallies, news coverage, etc., but in the end, democracy seems to have prevailed. This is posting right around America’s Thanksgiving holiday so I’ll include the Biden/Harris win as one of the many things I’m thankful for this year.
Let’s hit the high points of her Natal, then I have a few comments about her Solar Return from this year. For background, I used Wikipedia, which I thought was pretty thorough, detailing key highlights from her career as a prosecutor, D.A. and Senator. For her solar return location, I relied on a news report that mentioned her husband campaigning in Wilmington Beach, N.C. and that they met up later that day.
When we look at her chart as a whole, we notice a few things right off the bat. We see Gemini rising with Mercury in the 5th house in Scorpio. She has mutable signs on the angles with the ultra-sensitive sign of Pisces on the MC. We also notice the sharp aspects, especially that Sun/Moon opposition (Full Moon birth) in the 5/11 axis. Risk taking and networking will obviously be a part of her life.
Natal Chart Ascendant, Ruler, Mutable Signs on the Angles and Important Sun/Moon Opposition
Also, look also at the location of the planets: 7 below, 3 above and 6 on the west and 4 on the east. She’s certainly focused on projecting her own inner power. Lastly, I noticed the three modern planets, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, were all connected to the 4th and 6th houses, representative of service and government and a forward-looking approach. (Note: Neptune is within 5 degrees of the 6th house cusp so I consider it working for the 6th).
Powerful Modern Planets
A little 16 point analysis shows us the added influence of Gemini in her chart with the emphasis on Mutable and Air signs. The exchange of ideas, bringing people together and an intellectual approach are all part of her motivation.
16-Point Scale Showing Breakdown of the Planetary Influences
A closer look at the Ascendant and the planets connected to it show us how her personality is modified by some pretty intense energy. Taken alone, Gemini as a sign isn’t strongly oriented to any one opinion or especially motivated. It’s what makes them effective at circulating ideas and bringing people together. But when you put the ruler, Mercury, in Scorpio, you get a penetrating and passionate mind that’s much more focused. In the 5th house, it shows she enjoys the process of investigation and digging up secrets (pleasures), but it also shows she’s a risk taker (speculation). However, it’s a calculated risk based on investigation, rather than, say, Mercury in Aries, which would be much more impulsive. The dispositors are Mars in Leo in the 3rd and Pluto in Virgo in the 4th, making her authoritative and aggressive in her speech when she needs to be, and someone who is a perfectionist and intensely analytical, excellent for a prosecutor and Senator. Mars also sends a ray to her Ascendant, which doubles its impact on her personality.
ASC + Ruler and Dispositors
If we look at other planets connected to the cusp of the Ascendant, we again notice the Sun/Moon opposition falling over the 5/11 axis. Not only is this powerful in its own right and provides incredible motivation, but the Moon in Aries sends a sextile to her Ascendant, while the Sun in Libra sends a trine. The Sun is slightly closer, giving her a strong will and ambition, but also a sense of fairness, justice and the charm necessary to win over others. The Moon in Aries means she has an instinct to lead and she can be a passionate advocate for institutions (in the 11th house) and the public. Now, it’s not all sweetness and light. The opposition shows there’s clearly a struggle between satisfying her ego and needing to do compromise.
Sun/Moon Opposition Aspecting the ASC
There is also a double approaching trine from Saturn in Aquarius, which because of the closeness to the 10th house cusp, I’d say is working for the 10th. This reads to me as “intellectual isolation,” in that she can strip away anything unnecessary to get to the heart of the matter. A great quality for someone in law or government work; and it creates a strong connection between her and her 10th house.
We see Venus in Virgo connected as well, sending a square from the 4th house. This adds charm and a need to be of service to others, plus a perfectionism that shows up in the way she carries herself. Education was likely a big part of her upbringing as well and the feeling that she needed to work twice as hard to be considered good enough. Venus is also important because it’s the ruler by exaltation of her 10th and influencing the 10th through ricochet, but we’ll look at that again shortly.
Saturn + Venus Sending Aspects to the ASC
We can’t forget the planets aspecting her ruler, Mercury. The closest aspect is actually from Saturn in Aquarius, forming an out of sign trine. This helps her mind immensely, steadying the Gemini flightiness and giving clarity in her thinking, a humanistic slant and flashes of insight. It can also make her a bit standoffish and less warm than expected. The Libra Sun softens this with charm but I would say she doesn’t tolerate fools (“Excuse me, I’m speaking”). We also see here another point of integration between her Ascendant and the MC.
Next is The Sun, which even though it’s out of sign, forms a powerful conjunction. This gives her ambition to follow her passion, but she’s a realist, seeing the need to work for common interests even though she can work faster on her own. With the Moon in opposition, again out of sign, she struggles to hold back her fiery opinions and knows how to work with others when needed. I’m jumping ahead, but that Moon also receives a beautiful trine from Saturn, steadying her emotions and adding self-discipline. She knows just when to strike to be most effective.
Aspects to Mercury, Ruler of the ASC
Now we move to the MC and see Pisces so we already know her honors and undertakings will have a complexity and she’ll completely identify with her career. The rulers are Neptune in the 6th in Scorpio, Jupiter in Taurus in the 12th and, since I was taught to take into account the ruler by exaltation, Venus in the 4th in Virgo. I’d say Neptune is the most influential here because it’s in the same element, but taken as a whole, these planets point to a career in service to others and a dedication to a cause bigger than herself. We also get a sense of government work from Jupiter and Venus in earth signs, but she makes her impact behind-the-scenes (Jupiter in 12), through service (Neptune in 6th) that affects our foundations (Venus in 4th).
Rulers of the MC, Neptune, Jupiter and Venus (by exaltation)
When we turn our attention to aspects to the MC by exactness, first and foremost we see Mercury sending a trine from the 5th house. As ruler of her ASC, Mercury’s aspect provides an important reinforcement between her and her career. It also gives her tremendous motivation and good timing, and shows how her investigative skills contribute to her success. Next, we see Saturn in Aquarius conjunct the MC, adding intelligence and a gravitas that she brings out in her career. Even though it’s physically in the 9th house, it’s within 5 degrees of the cusp of the 10th, utilizing its energy in this important house. Saturn is also the ruler of her 9th house, symbolic of how she brings the law and government into her career.
Aspects to the Cusp of the MC from Mercury + Saturn
Analysis of aspects to the rulers of the MC show the importance of the modern planets to her career as well. Not only is Neptune ruler of the MC, but it makes aspects to both Pluto and Uranus, which are conjunct in Virgo. In general, this gives her originality and the ability to think beyond the norm. At some point in her life, she will want to break down (Pluto) rigid ways of doing things (Virgo) and find new, more humanitarian (Uranus) approaches. We also see Venus in Virgo is part of this planetary configuration, conjunct Pluto and Uranus and sextiling Neptune. Virgo adds a streak of perfectionism that has helped her excel in different areas in her life, and of course through Venus we have another connection to her MC.
Power of the Modern Planets + Their Connection to the MC
Jupiter is interesting because it’s where we notice an intense T-square aspect connecting the traditional ruler of her MC with powerful Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius. We’ve already mentioned Mars as dispositor of her ruler, Mercury, and Saturn has multiple connections to her ASC and MC. This T-square adds a lot of motivation, but in fixed signs, there is also a struggle with compromise. I see the Jupiter here as the balancing point helping her to keep her more impulsive traits in check. She is measured enough to put her ego aside and go with what is most practical. The wide opposition from Neptune to Jupiter is difficult as well, making her choose between reality and idealism. Also note that because of Saturn’s retrograde motion, all three planets are moving towards each other, or tightening, meaning the influence of this configuration will increase as she gets older.
T-Square formed by Saturn/Mars Opposition and Jupiter Square
One last point about the MC is that when you really dive in, you notice all 10 planets are connected in some way and incredibly integrated not only with each other, but with her ASC. Someone with a weaker ASC would have difficulty harnessing all of this power, but she’s able to utilize it to great success.
Rulers are Neptune, Jupiter and Venus
The rulers are connected to Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, and Mars by aspect
Saturn is within 5 degrees of the cusp of the 10th, so I would consider it in the 10th.
Saturn in 10 is connected to the Sun and Moon by aspect
Pluto, Venus and Uranus are influencing the 10th by ricochet (in the house opposite)
Integration - All 10 Planets Are Connected to the MC by Position, Rulership, Aspect or Ricochet
Speaking of the Moon and Sun, we can see how these two planets heavily impact her motivation and drive. The Moon in Aries in the 11th house shows she’s a leader and a bit of an “attack dog” that will fight against others trying to control her. As ruler of the 2nd, it also shows how she’s helped financially by powerful people in her corner. She’s an excellent fundraiser and can pull support when its needed. She’s going to be a powerful counter-punch to Biden’s kindly grandfather persona.
Her Sun is in Libra in the 5th, meaning she’s excellent at relating to others and can build important partnerships for a specific cause. As ruler of the 3rd in the 5th, she needs to express herself and finds pleasure in relating to others.
We mentioned the opposition, but with the Full Moon birth, we see her craving power (Moon/Aries) and organizing her life around relationships (Sun/Libra) to get it. Saturn in Aquarius is the planet that helps her “solve” this opposition by sending a trine to The Sun and a sextile to The Moon. This gives her the ability to structure her thinking and temper her emotions to find balance.
Influence of Sun and Moon on Motivation + Drive; Saturn as Planet “Solving” The Opposition Through Trine to Sun and Sextile To Moon
When we look at her solar return from October 2020, we see three important repetitions. First and foremost, Mercury in Scorpio in an out-of-sign conjunction with the Sun. This is a less exact version of the same configuration in her natal, but now in the 9th house of her solar and approaching with Mercury retrograde. This shows a formidable display of personal power through government work that will only continue to grow throughout the year. Next, Venus returns to Virgo, the same sign as her natal, but now in the 8th house. She will be an effective dealmaker now, bringing her perfectionism and charm to the area of obligations and other people’s money. Finally, The Moon returns to the 11th house, but is now in the sign of Sagittarius for the year. She’ll crave more freedom to reimagine the institution she works for but lead with optimism and curiosity.
Key Repetitions In the 2020 Solar Return: Sun/Mercury Conjunction, Mercury + Venus Return by Sign, Moon Return to House
If we continue to study the Solar Return alone, we see it’s quite strong with Capricorn rising, the ruler, Saturn, sitting right on the ASC, and the ruler by exaltation, Mars, well placed in Aries and sending a sextile aspect, giving her ample courage and determination. The year will definitely be full of challenges but she has the motivation and drive to find solutions. The ASC also receives an exact square from The Sun in Libra in her 9th house and it’s so closely aspecting her ASC & the ruler, it shows the possibility of honors and recognition. There is also a trine from Venus in Virgo in the 8th, signaling all the deal-making and fundraising she’ll be doing (and likely did do in the last weeks before the election).
The Solar ASC: Rulers + Aspects to the Cusp
We can also see that three powerful planets, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, are all squaring her Sun. The next year will be intense for her, both physically and mentally, but the Sun so high in the chart and supported by The Moon means she’ll persevere and have public support. These three planets also straddle the solar 1st and 12th but fall in her natal 8th for the year. She’s clearly going to be a powerful force behind the scenes in bringing deals to the table and transforming the role the government.
The Moon in Sagittarius falls in her 11th house of institutions and networking, and coming from the solar 7th house to the solar 11th, gives the idea of the public support and enthusiasm. It’s also in an approaching sextile to The Sun, adding to public recognition and honors. Notice also that The Sun is also coming from the solar 7th, working through the enclosed sign of Leo.
Impact of Solar 12th on Natal 8th; Solar Sun/Moon Configuration
We also see Uranus opposite her natal Mercury and forming a razor-sharp opposition to her solar Mercury. This will be expressed through her 3/9 axis, the areas of communication and learning so she’s going to have to adapt quickly in the face of unexpected challenges
There’s so much more to unpack here, and I’m sure much that I’m overlooking, but I’ll be eager to look back in a few months and look for other influences that are brought out in her new role. I’ll keep an eye on that solar Venus/Neptune opposition. Perhaps there’s a financial or fundraising scandal she’ll need to deal with in the coming months?
Thanks for reading and, as always, if you have questions or other insights, I’d love to hear from you.
Key Oppositions In Her Solar Year