Hands up if you’re also on the Ilona Maher fangirl train! I’ve been glued to social media cheering on her & her team’s successes and for the general uplifting content from her. This is just a quickie post to share her Natal chart and a few things that instantly caught my eye.

**To note: I used the birth information on Astro-databank and converted it to the Regiomontanus house system, which is the one I use.

  1. Look at that near-perfect trine between her Moon in Leo and Pluto in Sagittarius, both at 0 degrees. That is the definition of bodily P.O.W.E.R., determination, and will. Yeah, girl - you are unstoppable!

  2. That fantastic Venus in Cancer high up in her 10th house conjunct her MC. This is the ruler of her Libra Ascendant and shows her fighting hard for her goals while promoting a positive and uplifting message. It also shows the vulnerability, which she’s been very open about in her posts. Notice also the Venus-Mars conjunction. Mars as ruler of the 7th house means others/the public “comes” to her.

  3. Notice also that she has 0 degrees on the angles of her chart, ensuring the Moon and Pluto create sharp sextile/trines with her 1st and 7th house cusps. She’s able to use that power to engage with the public (Moon) through the power of social media (3rd house) to increase her notoriety (10th house).

  4. A Grand Trine in Fire showing the easy flow of energy among her 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses. I’d also include that Sun in Leo in her 11th house, although it’s a little outside of orb. Someone get this woman a broadcast job during the off-season ASAP.