Exactness Confers Intensity
So, I originally started this for the News & Notes section, but as it evolved, it became more of a case study so I decided to include it here.
It’s been a strange few weeks recently and it’s had me thinking about the power of the planets when they hit a sensitive area of the chart. I thought I’d share a few examples to illustrate the point.
Example #1 is my brother’s chart. He died several years ago quite suddenly at the age of 47 from a heart attack. I have his birth information so I can incorporate the house cusps and rulers here and we immediately see Uranus, ruler of his 8th house transiting his natal Sun forming an approaching conjunction on the day that he died. And this is happening in the sign of Aries, which reinforces the idea of speed along with the unexpectedness of Uranus.
Sudden Heart Attack: Ruler of Natal 8 Transiting Natal Sun
We also see that this transiting Uranus is departing from an exact trine of the Sun transiting through Leo (heart). When a planet is departing from one planet and approaching the other, you can think of it as carrying the energy from one planet to another. Notice also the insanely sharp aspect between the transiting Mars and transiting Saturn - within 2 minutes. This is significant because Mars is the dispositor of his natal Sun and Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius.
The last point on this chart is the Neptune/Moon opposition. His death happened on the day of his lunar return and we see Neptune, ruler of his 10th, conjunct the 10th and in a double approaching opposition to the Moon, ruler of the ASC.
Sudden Heart Attack: Transiting Ruler of the 10th Opposite Natal and Transiting Ruler of ASC
Example #2 involves my chart and the exact time I heard my brother had died. Which as you can imagine, hits emotionally like a ton of bricks, but it’s fascinating to see it astrologically.
First, he’s my older brother so he’d be represented by my 11th house with Sagittarius on the cusp, so Jupiter as the ruler of the ASC. Notice that transiting Jupiter is exactly conjunct my natal Uranus, again the idea of a sudden event.
Sudden Death of Older Brother: Ruler of 11 Conjunct Natal Uranus
Now, Jupiter is also ruler of his 8th house by exaltation when you derivate from my own chart, where we see Cancer on the cusp of my 6th, his 8th.
Sudden Death of Older Brother: Jupiter As Ruler of Brother’s ASC & 8th House
There’s also an exact sextile of natal Mercury to transiting Mercury, which would be working for his 1st (again, my 11th) and ruler of his 10th (my 8th).
Sudden Death of Older Brother: Exact Transit Mercury Square Natal Mercury
We also see the Moon, ruler of his 8th, exactly conjunct the cusp of my 8th house (legacies/inheritance), which would be his 10th by derivation.
The ruler of my ASC, Saturn, is also transiting the 11th house and in an exact trine to Mars, the ruler of his 4th (my 3rd – brothers and sisters). The transiting Uranus is also conjunct the cusp of my 3rd house. Notice also the Grand Trine in Fire on that day, which in this case I take it as a significant turning point in my life that shaped how I interact with others (Houses 3, 7 and 11).
Sudden Death of Older Brother: Ruler of ASC & 11th House Connected to the 3rd and 8th.
So, I hope this illustrates the importance of exactness when you’re looking at the relationships between the planets and house cusps. If you have sharp aspects in your own chart, or have noticed a correlation between significant events and exact transits in your own chart, let me know.