To know me is to know my favorite show is Supernatural, a 15-seasons long epic of two brothers who hunt monsters. Or, “Saving People, Hunting Things. The Family Business.”
One of the stars of the show is actor Misha Collins and, along with the two leads, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, the show is very entertaining. (It doesn’t hurt that it’s a pretty attractive cast, either. #Deangirlforever) Ok, enough with the sales pitch, but really, if you haven’t watched the show, start with Season 1, Episode 1 to get the gist of the story and enjoy the ride. Misha makes his epic entrance in Season 4’s opener, Lazarus Rising.
There’s a lot of info about Misha around, but I found his regular Wikipedia page thin on information. I used instead The Supernatural Wiki page, a recent interview from NYTimes.com about his cookbook, and an excellent interview with him in of all places, American Craft Magazine. For the birth information, I found him on Astrodatabank and converted the information to the Regiomontanus house system.
A few highlights: His early life sounds like it was nomadic and chaotic; a defining time for him. His parents separated when he was young, and his family didn’t have much money, but he seemed to be curious and self-sufficient which developed some interesting talents and skills. His profession now is an actor, but he is also a published poet, an author, a builder, started the non-profit Random Acts, and created GISHWHES, or the “greatest international scavenger hunt the world has ever seen.” He also has a passion for politics and worked for the Clinton White House and NPR early on.
I figured in this chart I’d focus on his general personality, touch on his career motivations, and highlight his creative expression and altruism.
At first glance, you can see it’s a dynamic chart. He has the masculine sign Gemini on the ASC and Aquarius on the MC, plus fire signs on 4 & 7. The Sun and Moon are also in male signs so the overall impression is that he has a lot of energy, motivation and he’s action-oriented. We also see that 9/10 planets are below the horizon and 7/10 planets are on the west, which gives the idea that he’s focused on others, but more inner-directed. I think of it as a “helping you help yourself” kind of vibe. The chart also contains multiple sharp aspects and conjunctions, again adding to strength.
Natal Chart showing ASC, MC, Sun, Moon Masculinity
A 16-point analysis confirms the Masculinity of the chart with 13 points in male signs and a preponderance of air. In contrast, he has very little earth, but he compensates somewhat by having a strong Saturn. However, I wouldn’t say he’s the most practical person.
With Gemini on the ASC, he’s clearly someone who is sociable, friendly, quick-witted, has lots of interests, and needs to move around. His ruler, Mercury is in Leo in the 4th house so he’s very connected and protective of his home and family. (As an aside, the ruler of the ASC in the 4th also gives a love of country, which I would say contributes to his interest in politics.) I believe it was the NYTimes story where he mentioned that he’s romanticized his childhood quite a bit but that it wasn’t so easy and carefree. This Mercury is also conjunct its dispositor, a very good Sun in Leo. This is a powerful aspect and does a lot to color his thinking. I’d say he’s excellent at seeing the big picture and leading others with a positive and enthusiastic message. His thinking is likely more subjective so I get the sense he has a healthy ego and likes to be the center of attention, which is great for an actor.
ASC Ruler and Dispositor
If we look next to the planets aspecting his Ascendant, we first see Mars in Virgo is squaring from the 5th house. Here we see another indication of motivation and action, and notice Mars is also disposed by Mercury, giving us a second connection to his ASC. The feeling is when he sets a goal, he takes the time to plan out the details and has the motivation to enact it.
Jupiter in Pisces also squares the ASC from the 11th house. This adds empathy, sensitivity and a desire to create a community. It also shows he’s likely to have unusual and creative friends through his work. Venus in Leo is in the 3th house, giving him charm, warmth, and an open, friendly manner. On the flip side, it reinforces the sense that he’s a bit vain and has a healthy ego.
This Venus is especially important because it’s the dispositor of his Moon in Libra and, even though the sign is intercepted, Venus is co-ruler of the 5th house. It’s a huge benefit for someone in the arts and we will talk more about it when we talk about his creative talents. Finally, we also have Neptune in Sagittarius opposite the ASC. Like Jupiter in Pisces, this adds to his sensitivity, but in Sagittarius we see the application of this energy to evolution, and as ruler of the 11th, it’s directed towards large groups and organizations. Random Acts and GISHWHES being concrete examples of this influence.
Planets Making Aspects to the ASC and Added Influence of Venus and Mercury
Misha might not be a household name, but I’d consider him immensely successful as an actor and I think there is a rabid community of Supernatural fans who would back me up. When we look at his MC, we see Aquarius on the cusp, and as we mentioned the trine to his ASC shows that there’s a natural identification with his career and a need for freedom with the 9th sign on the 10th house cusp. Even if he didn’t become an actor, you get the sense that he would have opted for a freelance career or been an entrepreneur with this placement. The sign Aquarius also gives a feeling that his career has to do with the larger needs of society and would have an altruistic bent since the sign naturally rules the 11th house of organizations, networking and hopes and wishes.
When we look at the rulers of the 10th, Saturn and Uranus, we find Saturn in the 2nd in Cancer where it’s in fall, and Uranus in the 5th in Libra. Putting this information together, we get the sense that his actions and undertakings involve both responsibility (Saturn) and a unique point of view (Uranus), again towards things with an Aquarian nature. With the 2nd and 5th houses emphasized, he’s builds his future through financial security, the arts, and creative expression.
MC and Rulers With House Placement
I’d look at Uranus first since it’s in the same element as the sign on the MC, air, and it’s easier for him to utilize that energy. With its placement in the 5th, it shows how his unique point of view will be a factor in everything he does. If we take the house placement of Uranus, the sign it’s in, and its dispositors, we put together the picture that through his career and undertakings, his innovative and unusual approach will be expressed creatively through the arts. That art will include physical objects crafted with care (2nd house, Saturn/Cancer) and eloquent, organized verbal expression (3rd house, Venus/Leo) as a way to help build relationships and earn money.
Uranus Co-Ruler of the MC, + Its Dispositors, Venus and Saturn
Uranus’s traditional ruler, Saturn, is in the 2nd in fall, we notice that we’ve already talked about Saturn in conjunction with Uranus so here we find it having an additional impact on his MC. He feels responsible for others and financial security is very important to showing how much he cares. Not in an exaggerated, self-serving way, like needing to buy someone’s love with expensive gifts, but instead by providing a safe, stable environment for those he cares about. That’s a tangible expression of love for him. In more mundane matters, it shows he’ll have few resources in the beginning, but with the Moon, and ultimately a beneficial Venus as the dispositors, he’ll be a better earner as he gets older.
Saturn, Co-Ruler of the MC, + Its Dispositors, Moon and Jupiter
If we look at aspects to the MC, we notice Uranus is most closely aspecting the cusp. Here’s another repetition of Uranus’s influence, and via the trine aspect, he’s able to easily use this energy to build his career. The planet next closely aspecting is the Sun. It’s in opposition to the MC and while providing motivation to achieve his goals, it also shows his ability to share the spotlight. A typical Sun in Leo, especially on the ASC or high in the chart, would be jumping into the spotlight at every turn, but in the 4th house, in the lowest part of the chart, maybe he suffers somewhat from shyness. Lastly, I would consider Mercury opposite the MC because of its proximity to the Sun and because its ruler of the ASC, even if the orb is a little wide. Here we see his ability to organize and mobilize others to help him.
Finally, we need to look at the aspects made to Saturn and Uranus to see how the other planets play a part. For Saturn, we have Mars in Virgo making an exact sextile and Jupiter in Pisces sending a trine. Again, we see the ability to plan, organize and take compassionate action in pursuit of his goals. With Uranus, it’s the Sun and Mercury (his ruler) sending sextiles, which shows his innovative, disruptive and organized action to achieve his will.
Aspects to the Cusp of the MC + Aspects to Rulers, Uranus and Saturn
Let’s now take a look at his Sun & Moon to see how it contributes to his motivation & drive. As we mentioned, they’re both in masculine signs, so very action-oriented. The Sun represents the will and volition while the Moon represents what you crave. If they’re working together (in aspect, at least by sign), you can satisfy your craving, but if they’re not connected, it’s much harder to achieve what you want. In Misha’s chart, they’re in trine by sign, and even if it’s not within orb, it’s still considered a connection. They’re also low in the chart, giving a feeling that he’s more private than if they were high up, like in the 10th or 11th house.
If we take the Moon first, it’s in the 5th house in Libra and we can see that he craves love and harmony through relationships. We notice however that’s this Moon is enclosed, meaning the sign Libra isn’t on a house cusp. This decreases the planet’s impact and it “escapes” the house (expresses its energy) through the dispositors, Venus & Saturn. Notice also the Moon comes from the 2nd and 3rd houses and goes back there through its dispositors.
Taking all of these influences into account, we can get the sense he’s warm, charming, fun, responsible, serious, intense and compassionate. I’m sure there are times he’s also egotistical, vain, harsh, moody and flaky. It’s two sides of the same coin.
The Moon + Dispositors and Aspects
The Sun in Leo, as we discussed, is a powerful placement and gives him the ability to organize everything around him to achieve his goals. This is the placement of the “King” so think of how the King acts – He determines what he wants, delegates to those who serve him, and lets others perform the action & sort the details. It’s an excellent trait in someone who directs large groups of people, and thankfully the Jupiter/Pisces and Neptune/Sagittarius give him compassion and empathy directed toward the greater good so he’s less likely to abuse this power.
Aspects to the Sun (Note: Since the Sun is in Domicile, There Are No Dispositors)
Given the masculinity of the chart, the Sun’s placement in domicile & in an angular house, and Moon’s energy enclosed in Libra, I’d take the Sun to be a stronger force in his life.
“For me, craft is a thoughtfulness that goes into the creation. And I personally like to make things when it feels like that moment in time when that thing wants to be made.” – Misha Collins in American Craft Magazine.
The interview with American Craft Magazine goes in depth into his woodworking and design skills and how as a young boy, he basically became a makeshift apprentice, learning carpentry and other useful skills from people in his community and it’s still a large part of his life. Misha is also an amateur cook, published author and published poet so his creativity is expressed in multiple ways – typical of a Gemini.
So, there seems to be a limitless supply of ideas that he’s able to bring to life. Where does that come from? If we look at the 5th House, we eventually see that every planet is connected in some way to this vital house.
The 5th house represents the giving and receiving of love, creative expression, hobbies, children, lovers and pleasures in general. On the cusp is the sign of Virgo, but in the Archetype, he should actually have Libra on the 5th and we see here that sign is intercepted. Having a square instead of a trine between 1 & 5 signals that there’s an inherent conflict between the affairs of this house and his personality. We see this through his strained relationship with his father and his constant moving as a child. On the flip side, Virgo is the sign of service and represents perfectionism, modesty, responsibility and hard work. His hobbies are things that take time and he takes pleasure in the attention to detail.
Virgo on the Cusp of the 5th; Libra Intercepted
Virgo is of course ruled by Mercury, which just happens to also be the ruler of his ASC. This creates a powerful connection between the 1st and the 5th house that is evident throughout his entire life. Even if he wasn’t such a public figure, creative expression would be a focal point for him. And since Mercury is involved, we have to take into account Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun. Since they aspect Mercury, it’s like bringing their influence into the 5th house as well.
Adding to that, we have to take Venus and Saturn as co-rulers of the 5th house because of the Libra interception. Venus because it’s the natural ruler of Libra and Saturn because it’s ruler of the sign by exaltation. We’ve already mentioned Venus’s influence on his ASC and MC so now we add to its power with this connection and to the 5th house. This Venus gives him a sense of proportion, beauty, and rhythm and (as my teacher reminded me yesterday) shows the positive influence of the people who became his teachers. This Venus makes aspects to Pluto and the Moon, both within the 5th house, but look at the sharpness of the aspect with Neptune. It’s only 31 minutes of arc away and in an approaching trine. This gives him a sensitive and acute mind, with his poetry an excellent outlet of expression. It also gives a sensitivity to art and beauty in everyday objects, and enables him to use his inspiration on a grand scale.
We’ve already mentioned Saturn in relation to his MC and we can see its influence on his childhood here with the poverty and what sounds like loneliness and anxiety growing up. Connected to the 5th house, it impacts how he gives and perceives love, which we mentioned earlier. But it also shows a solidity, planning and practicality, brought to life through woodworking and home design, and the structure of emotion expressed through his poetry.
5th House Co-Rulers Venus & Saturn + Aspects
Next, we want to look at the planets aspecting the cusp of the 5th house. We see Mars virtually sitting on the cusp, but the opposition from Jupiter is actually the sharpest, and therefore, more impactful. As the traditional ruler of Pisces, it’s in domicile and in the 11th house of hopes, wishes and big organizations. I get the sense of a limitless amount of creativity and compassion that he’s able to use to unite people in action. His Random Acts organization and GISHWHES are clear examples here and I think it also says a lot about his involvement with the Supernatural fan community and how he’s been able to mobilize them to do good works. In fact, through multiple connections to Jupiter, Venus and Neptune, we see how his sensitivity, compassion and imagination are directed towards society in a bigger way.
Mars in Virgo is the next closest aspect and it’s sitting right on the cusp of the 5th. As we mentioned, in Virgo it brings a level of planning and detail to his actions that helps him follow through with his big ideas. Saturn is the next closest aspect, just a few minutes of arc further than Mars. We’ve already mentioned Saturn as co-ruler so the repetition of influence with an aspect adds to its impact. Notice now that all of the planets aspecting the 5th are also in sharp aspect with each other. It’s like an influence loop that repeats over and over.
Aspects to the Cusp of the 5th House
The planets in the house are taken next and we notice all three are all enclosed in the sign of Libra. We mentioned this earlier with the Moon, but it means their power is diminished somewhat in the house and their influence needs to “come out” through the dispositor(s). Again, we need to recognize the repetition and influence of Venus in the 3rd and Saturn in the 2nd.
Let’s take the Moon first. In Libra, it shows he craves love and his instinct is to cultivate and maintain relationships. He’s able to learn through his connections with others as well. The Moon “comes from” (is ruler of both the 2nd and 3rd Houses) and again, goes back there through Venus & Saturn. It gives a sense that his relationship with possessions (or lack thereof) and his education shaped his creative expression. The Moon’s influence is modified by its aspects with Pluto, Neptune and Venus (dispositor), giving him imagination, determination and an appreciation for art.
Moon in the 5th House
Pluto is next and as ruler of the 6th house, gives the sense of using art as an act of service to humanity that can create profound change. Pluto makes even sharper aspects to Venus (dispositor) and Neptune, reinforcing the concept of art as a transformative act on a massive scale.
Pluto in the 5th House
Lastly, we have Uranus, co-ruler of the 10th and planet of innovation, sudden change and mass communication. He brings a visionary quality to his art which is seen in his ability to re-imagine materials, use art to create a sense of community and affect change. Uranus makes aspects to the Sun and Mercury, which as we’ve noted are integral to his personality. He’s able to use the Venus (dispositor) to share his art through 3rd house affairs (communications, education and community).
So, here’s just a small part of the whole chart. I invite you to comment or analyze some of the other houses to see his family history, interest in politics, marriage, etc.