SCORPIO: The Love of Power
Image: Unsplash/Chris Sabor
This part 8 of a 12-part series. It’s a little meditation on understanding the signs based on the Archetype.
Scorpio is the feminine fixed water sign known for its intensity of feeling, investigative abilities, and strong magnetism. Within the seasons, Scorpio is the fullest expression of fall, when the harvest is complete, and the vibrant growth of spring and summer begins to wither and decay. Of course, this is nothing more than life transitioning and lying dormant until it’s beckoned forth again in a new form in the spring.
Scorpio is assigned to the 8th house of the Archetype and rules over death, intimacy, and the occult. Through derivations we can also consider it the 2nd house of the 7th, which is why it is also associated with joint resources such as inheritance, investments, and insurance. Notice that the things governed by the 8th house represent the transformative power of combined resources. Money, talents, people, ideas brought together are made more powerful as in the adage, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
In the Archetype, Scorpio represents the ideal way to transform our circumstances as seen through the qualities and planets associated with it.
Mars and Pluto, the traditional and modern co-rulers, represent physical energy and power to destroy and rebuild something new. Through the feminine quality of Scorpio, we see the transformative effects of action, willpower, and intensity as a reaction to the environment.
No planet is exalted in Scorpio, but the two most feminine planets are in detriment (Venus) and in fall (the Moon). These are also the two planets associated with Scorpio’s opposite sign, Taurus.
Venus’s need for relationships and physical gratification can quickly turn to obsession in Scorpio. Only total possession of the other will satisfy.
The Moon in fall here is interesting, and my teacher refers to it as being in “mixed dignity” due to the Moon’s affinity for water signs. The Moon contributes to Scorpio’s excellent investigative ability and magnetism, but combined with Mars and Pluto, attributes can become exaggerated. In honor, the Moon is nurturing and protective. It’s the survival instinct to establish a family (babies - Cancer) and material security (Taurus). In Scorpio, you emphasize penetration and intensity, and often the creative force (i.e. sex drive) of the individual can be misused to gain power over others.
Like all fixed signs, Scorpio’s goal is to conserve, but what they conserve is related to their element: Water. That means there’s a need to conserve emotions, which underpins the legendary Scorpio willpower and control. Without healthy outlets to keep these impulses in check, Scorpios can become obsessed or have little regard for others once their own needs are fulfilled.
If we consider the realization of any sign is 10 signs away, we find realization of Scorpio is in Leo, because ultimately the Scorpio wants to be crowned King. They seek to accumulate power and self-mastery to obtain total freedom over their creative drive. Conversely, Scorpio is the realization of Aquarius. As Aquarius follows their own originality, they unlock the ability to impact society as a whole and transform on a greater scale.
We sometimes forget that Scorpio’s symbol is not just the scorpion, but also the lizard, the eagle, and ultimately, the phoenix. The concentration of power, when used to fulfil an ideal, allows Scorpio to rise from the ashes and begin anew on a higher path.