The signs are one of the main building blocks of a chart and encompass the twelve 30 degree sections of the zodiac circle. Each one has a distinct polarity (male/female), triplicity (earth, air, fire, water) and quaduplicity (cardinal, fixed, mutable), which gives you clues as to how they act in a given situation. (Learn more HERE)

This of course refers to the purest expression of the sign, but since every chart is a unique combination of planets, signs and houses, these energies can complement and contradict one another – often at the same time. You may read something and say “That’s SO me” or “Mmm…I don’t think so,” and that’s due to the combination of influences.

For example, if you take the very masculine planet Mars and put it Taurus, a very feminine fixed sign, the intrinsic nature of Mars, (energy), is directed towards protecting your own financial security and creature comforts. My daughter has this placement and she is VERY motivated by money yet also has problems getting off her behind to earn it!

ARIESMarch 21 - April 19


March 21 - April 19

Masculine. Cardinal. Fire.

Aries is the fearless soldier, the fire fighter, the daredevil. They’re willing to do anything to attain their goal so figure out quickly if you’re going to join the quest or get out of the way. Aries is bold with boundless energy and confidence but isn’t good at seeing anyone else’s point of view. Aries tends to charge head-first without concern for their own safety if they are trying to reach a goal.

TAURUSApril 20 - May 21


April 20 - May 21

Feminine. Fixed. Earth.

Taurus loves the security of routine and seeks out comfort & pleasures (especially expensive ones). They’re incredibly practical and will always value the dollar in hand today vs. the dollar your dreams will bring them at some later date. Since they love routine, Taurus can be stubborn and difficult to motivate once they’ve settled in.

GEMINIMay 21 - June 20


May 21 - June 20

Masculine. Mutable. Air.

Gemini facilitates communication, exchange and understanding. It represents a fast mind and the enjoyment of learning about people, new cultures, current events…anything you can think of. Just don’t expect Gemini to delve into any subject too deeply and don’t try to pin them down on a specific position. It’s more about the exchange of ideas instead of a hard point of view. 

CANCERJune 21 - July 22


June 21 - July 22

Feminine. Cardinal. Water.

Cancer is all about nurturing, and the broad concept of home and family. It represents a deep emotional understanding that can be selfless and compassionate or manipulative, depending on the quality of the influence. Cancer is extremely sensitive and can be easily hurt, retreating into their shell for protection.

LEOJuly 23 - August 22


July 23 - August 22

Masculine. Fixed. Fire.

Leo is the sign if the king and exudes confidence, cheer and enthusiasm. It represents the ability to organize the environment, see the big picture and bring others around to a particular point of view. As a fixed sign, Leo also has an oversize ego and loves to be the center of attention. Strong Leos don’t take criticism well, either - no one contradicts the king.

VIRGOAugust 23 - September 22


August 23 - September 22

Feminine. Mutable. Earth.

Although known as the virgin, Virgo isn’t about sexual desire, but instead a sense of purity and service. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo represents the mind used for practical purposes. A strong Virgo are excellent advisers and can quickly drill down to the most essential elements of any situation, stripping away the pretense.

LIBRASeptember 23 - October 22


September 23 - October 22

Masculine. Cardinal. Air.

Libra is about partnerships and harmony and finding balance. As an air sign, it achieves its goals through communication and letting ideas flow, so to speak, to create better understanding. Since it’s a masculine sign, Libra doesn’t sit back and hope for the best, they get out and circulate to set things in motion. Not with the bravado of a Leo or the brute force of an Aries, but with the gentle, persuasive charm of Venus.

SCORPIOOctober 23 - November 21


October 23 - November 21

Feminine. Fixed. Water.

Scorpio is deeply attuned to every feeling, like fellow water sign Cancer, but they conserve their energy in order to channel it towards a particular goal. Scorpio is the sign of penetration and regeneration (hence the association with sex and death). Through Pluto’s power, Scorpio can use its power to completely destroy and then rebuild something far greater.

SAGITTARIUSNovember 22 - December 21


November 22 - December 21

Masculine. Mutable. Fire.

Sagittarius is energy in the pursuit of evolution. In astrology, the sign rules philosophy, religion, justice, and advanced education — all concepts outside of ourselves and expand our worldview. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius also represents a commitment to truth and ethics, which is why the arrow of evolution points up.

CAPRICORNDecember 22 - January 19


December 22 - January 19

Feminine. Cardinal. Earth.

Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac, is the ruler of earthy Capricorn, which is why this sign represents maturity, obligation, security and a strong instinct for its own survival. Where you find the sign Capricorn is where you find a serious and disciplined approach.

AQUARIUSJanuary 20 - February 18


January 20 - February 18

Masculine. Fixed. Air.

Air sign Aquarius is about freedom, but unlike fiery Sagittarius who jumps in to experiences feet first, Aquarius is cerebral, preferring to stick to ideas and relationships with zero emotional attachment. Ruler Uranus speeds up Aquarius’s already fast mind, leading to flashes of insight or leaps of imagination that have broader, humanitarian impact on society. This is why the sign has a bit of a “mad scientist” reputation.

PISCESFebruary 19 - March 20


February 19 - March 20

Feminine. Mutable. Water.

As a mutable water sign, Pisces wants one simple thing: To completely merge with another on an emotional level. Like previous sign Aquarius they are humanitarians, but the difference is in their approach. Pisces wants to bring everything together through the unconscious whereas Aquarius wants to bring everything together through conscious, rational thought.

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