
This was originally the content for my “About” section, but it seemed better suited for a blog post because of the length.

I’ve had a lifelong interest in astrology and wanted to start a site where people could learn and understand the practical application in everyday life. In the prehistoric, pre-internet age, I remember reading Linda Goodman and constructing my own charts with compasses in junior high and high school (yes, there can be a fun use for those things!). I always bought those little sun sign scrolls at the drug store check out line, and saved up for my yearly forecast book. I loved reading about how my sign interacted others, and was fascinated by the intricacies of how each planet took on a different influence depending on how it moved through each of the 12 signs.

For the last 10 years or so (probably creeping up closer to 15, off and on) I have studied with a great teacher in New York City. He taught me that astrology is both an art and a science, and gave me the rules to keep me grounded while my mind wanders to ‘but what does it all mean?!’ The name of the site actually was inspired by him. He once told me that your horoscope - that brilliant, beautiful map of the heavens on the exact day and time you were born - was a map of the soul that contained all the potential for this life, as well the lives of those closest to you. (Try not to have your mind blown by that nugget of wisdom!)

Parallel to astrology, was a love of all things occult. Past lives, tarot, ghosts, psychics, ESP, - you name it - my Scorpio nature and planet-filled 8th house loves it all. Reading about Edgar Cayce blew my mind though. If you’re not familiar with him, I definitely recommend reading anything published by the Association of Research and Enlightenment (ARE) for a nice chunk of spiritual insight. My favorite two though are Many Mansions by Gina Cerminara about past lives and My Life Is A River, the biography of his life.

I fully believe in the validity of astrology, and it’s my goal to share what I find interesting about different charts, not force my beliefs on anyone. I’ve also created a few pages that give some basic information about planets, signs and house, which I hope are helpful if you’re new to astrology.

I have a quite a bit of Libra in my chart, including Venus in Libra, so I’ve actually taken a side route to astrology through the beauty industry. Fashion & beauty will creep into this I’m sure, and Mercury is also conjunct my Neptune so I love the fantasy of a great fashion image.

I’m just starting so I expect my content will evolve as I discover what I – and you – most enjoy. I hope you take the ride with me. Let me know what you think: soulmapastrology@gmail.com