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In astrology, we study the placement and relationships among the heavenly bodies. We consider the luminaries, the Sun and Moon, in our count of 10 “planets.” And yes, Pluto is still part of the group. Like the Signs, they each have their own influence on a chart, but they also receive influences from the Sign they’re placed in and from other planets that they’re in aspect with.
It’s important to remember that the power and impact of each planet is different in each chart and has to do with what sign the planet is placed in, into which house it falls, and the different aspects it sends to and receives from other planets. A planet in the 10th house, for example, has 100% impact on your undertakings in life, and if it’s also in aspect with your Sun and your Ascendant, it creates a lifelong connection with your personality and your volition. It’s important to remember that any placement can be good for one thing but bad for another.
In addition to the general influence of a planet, its impact is modified by the sign it’s in. A planet in a sign it rules, like Venus in Libra, is considered in Domicile, while it is in Detriment in the sign opposite, Aries. A planet in Domicile is able to express its power, but in Detriment, it is subject to an opposite force. So, Venus in Libra fully expresses its inherent harmony and balance, while it becomes much more aggressive and exaggerated in Aries.
Planets can also be Exalted or in Fall, and like Domicile/Detriment, they occur in opposite signs. In an Exalted state, planets express their influence in the purest, and often times extraordinary, way, and in Fall, they’re considered weaker, or hindered. An example here is Jupiter exalted in Cancer. The best qualities of Jupiter are expressed through an enthusiastic optimism for life, while Jupiter in Fall in Capricorn looses its idealism and is more focused on its own needs.
Lastly, you’ll see columns for Triplicity and Peregrine. A planet in Triplicity is considered in honor and a helper to the sign its in, similar to a trine aspect. A Peregrine planet isn’t strongly helpful or harmful. Judging the influence has more to do with the planet that disposes the one that’s Peregrine. For example, if you have the Sun in Virgo, you should look to the state of Mercury in the chart.
There are some holes, as you’ll notice. These influences were assigned before the discovery of the modern planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, so their Domicile is the only influence noted. Some signs also don’t have planets assigned to their Exaltation or Fall. For an excellent and fascinating explanation of how the dignities of the seven classical planets were determined, check out Robert Zoller’s “The Arabic Parts in Astrology: A Lost Key To Prediction.”